Caridina Serrata Hong Kong (Larry)
Origin: Asia. Appearance: These shrimp look like tiger shrimp but the tiger motif is more variable. The females have a bigger colour variation.
Sexing: Females are bigger and more robust. Life span: Up to 2 years. Size: 3 to 5cm. Sexually mature: When they are about 1.5cm. Gestation: 3 to 4 weeks. Character: Peaceful. Tank setup: Normal setup for shrimp with Java moss and plants with small leafs. Waterconditions: Temperature of 14-28ºC with an acidity of approximately pH6.5 and a water hardness of 8-20dGH. Feeding: Will eat algae, excessive food, cooked vegetables and detritus. Leafs from beach, alder and oak trees will be eaten as well. Breeding: Breeding is easy. In general they will have eggs every 6 weeks. Tank mates: Can be kept with other shrimp species, small fish and large crayfish. Copyright photos: ©