Neocaridina Palmata
Origin: Southern China. Appearance: This shrimp has a bright to brown marbled colour. Wild caught shrimp have a parasite in their neck which look like small orange balls. Sexing: Females are more robust. Life span: Up to 2 years. Size: Up to 2.5 cm. Sexually mature: Gestation: 3 to 4 weeks. Character: Friendly. Not to be kept with large fish. Tank setup: From 10 liter. Small leaved plants and moss are very suitable.
Waterconditions: Temperature 18-28ºC with an acidity of pH7 and a water hardness of 8dGH. Feeding: Will eat algae, excessive food, cooked vegetables and detritus. Leafs from beach, alder and oak trees will be eaten as well. Breeding: Breeding is easy. The offspring do not have the parasite.
Tank mates: Small fish, catfish, other shrimp and large crayfish. Copyright photos: ©, Farschad Farhadi(right)