Caridina Propinqua (Orange celebes shrimp)
Origin: Sulawesi, Indonesia. Appearance: Orange with small red spots.
Sexing: Females are more robust. Life span: Up to 2 years. Size: 2.5 to 3cm. Sexually mature: From 3 months onwards. Gestation: Character: Not aggressive and high adaptation level. Can be kept with other species without risk of crossbreeding.
Tank setup: From 20 liters with plants. Plants with small leaves and Java moss are suitable. Waterconditions: Temperature 20-30ºC with an acidity of pH6.5 to pH7.5 whereby the water hardness does not seem to be very important. Feeding: Will eat algae, excessive food, cooked vegetables and detritus. Leafs from beach, alder and oak trees will be eaten as well. Breeding: Brackish water is needed to breed these shrimp. Tank mates: Small fish, catfish,other shrimp and large crayfish. Copyright photos: © Pawel Szewczak(left & mid), Rüdiger(right)