
Overview shrimp


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Overview photo:

Caridina cf. Babaulti (Rainbow shrimp)


Origin: India - South Asia
Appearance: These shrimp come in a wide variety of colours: blue, red, brown, green etc. They adapt their colour to the environment. While floating it can become almost transparant and turn to brown or red when resting on a plant.
Sexing: Females will grow up to 4cm and males are usually smaller. Females are more robust.
Life span: 2 to 2.5 years.
Size: 3 to 4cm.
Sexually mature: From 3 months.
Gestation: About 4 weeks.
Character: Friendly. Not suitable to be kept with larger fish as they will be seen as food.
Tank setup: Aquaria starting at 10 liters. They like to hide in plants. Plants with small leaves and Java moss are very suitable.
Waterconditions: Temperature of 18-28ºC with acidity of pH6.2 tot pH7.5 en a water-hardness of 8-15dGH.
Feeding: They will eat algae, detritus(plant waste, organic material), left over food, boiled vegetables and special shrimp food.
Breeding: Breeding is usually slow and the young are very small. Having a tank with a large amount of organic waste will help in the survival rate of the young shrimp.
Tank mates: Shrimp, small fish and large crayfish.
Copyright photos: © shrimp-visions(left)



