Can I keep shrimp?
This question is heard very often. Many people are not well known with keeping shrimp in an aquarium.
In most cases the answer to the question is "Yes", but some things must be taken into account.
It is important to know with what kind of fish the shrimp will be kept. It would be a shame if newly purchased shrimp are being eaten rapidly by the fish.
Apart from considering the fish it is important to look at the waterconditions and the different shrimp species. Is the water suitable for these shrimp, can
different species been kept together and if yes, under which conditions.
Meanwhile there are many different shrimp species on the market. Large and small, with- and without claws, different colors and origin Some species are easier to keep than others..
In general shrimp need harder water than most common fish because they molt. The outer shell of the shrimp can not grow.
The shrimp will release the old shell and reshape a new shell.Usually they eat the outer shell again which is used for the new shell.
The many different species are subdivided in families. The most common families of shrimp available are:
In a community aquarium holding average size fish(until 10cm an no predators) it is best to keep the (Neo)caridina-garnalen or Atyopsis shrimp. These species leave fish and plants alone
and clean up the aquarium. They eat algea, fish food, dead fish and detritus.
(Neo)caridina's like to live in groups and it is recommended to keep at least 10 in a group.
Please note: The Atyopsis Gabonensis (African filtershrimp) needs a tank of about 80cm since it can grow up to 15cm. This shrimp can be kept solitary.
Atya's do not harm fish or plants. They filter micro-organismen from the water.
Atya's need to be fed with food in powder shape.
With bigger fish it is better to keep shrimp of the Macrobrachium family. The Macrobrachium Lanchesteri is a harmless example. The Macrobrachium Assamensis will grow larger and has better developed claws.
They could catch smaller fish which sleep on the bottom.
There are many different options when keeping shrimp. There for it is important to look at the current situation and the wishes and base your choice on these parameters.